Buildings, Pile foundations, Earth movers Road works,
Steel structurals Interiors & Decorators
About Us
Buildings, Pile foundations, Earth movers Road works,
Steel structurals Interiors & Decorators
Thiru. P.MANICKAM, founder of the firm, during 1950's started taking contracts in PWD, in his name. Later during 1968 he established M/s.P.Manickam & Co., and continued taking works in CPWD., TNHB, corporation of Madras, M/s.P.Manickam & co., was standing contractor and executed major works, in Madras General Hospital, Kilpuak Hospital, Stanley Hospital, Guindy Engineering College, Vetenery College, 99 Nos of CPWD quarters in Ashok Nagar and so on. Now M/s.P.Manickam & Co., is regular contractor in Anna University for the pst 32 years and also doing contracts, with P.W.D., Southern Railways, Integeral Coach factory, TNPHCL, CPCL, CPWD., and on of the major piling contractores & Earth Movers.
Read MoreDuring 1985 M/s.P.Manickam & Co., has ventured in doing pile foundation works, and fabrication of shop structures. We have done piling in the sea around 3 KM from Marma Goa part and sheet piling in Thahej, Gujart 3 KM into the sea from the shore. We have done many shop structure in ICF, FOB for Railwasy & Buildings for Educational Institutions.
Read MoreDuring 2000 M/s.P.Manickam & Co., has also started doing major earth work and filing and possesses nearly 11 Nos of JCB,3 Nos of Poclain, 23 Nos of Tipper, 4 Nos of Mini Pocline, 1 No of Vibro Roller, and one No of rock breaker. Now the Firm is one of the Major earth movers.
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